Monday 18 May 2009

Being anti-social is a bonus

There is apparently a government initiative called "Supporting People" and all Councils recieve financial support to carry out this initiative. You may think that people who are in need of support for whatever reason may receive help under this scheme but you would be wrong. It's solely for supporting those who do not pay towards their Councils i.e. the non-Council tax-payers such as unemployed drug addicts, alcoholics and people who indulge in anti-social behaviour.

Don't worry this is not about to turn into a right wing rant against those unfortunate people in society who find it difficult to support themselves - I am not a flog 'em, hang 'em supporter just a citizen who has had enough of ineffectual statutory authorities, who offer sympathy but very little else when someone is a victim of other persons' anti-social behaviour.

My husband and myself have had a year of hell from a neighbour who is a drunken, unemployed drug addict with a partner newly released from a prison very near by to us. This is a long story which I will continue nightly as time allows but I hope anyone reading it who has suffered in a similar way will relate to our story and perhaps ways can be found to change the balance of power away from the anti-social individuals to those of us who respect others' right to a peaceful existence.